Frozen raw dog food.
Your fluffier’s half raw meals will come frozen in a patty form and ready to thaw for consumption. These patties have been mixed and formulated in our state-of-the art facility’s kitchen with wholesome ingredients to create one easy to serve patty that’s even easier to enjoy by your pets. Depending on which recipe you are feeding your dog, veggies may be included in the recipe, or tripe, but we always use meat, organ meats and a ground bone to add flavour and health benefits to your canine’s bowl. Buying your dog’s raw food pre-made and frozen is easier and cheaper according to Dog Food Guide. We’ve already done the grinding, mixing and packaging. Think of all the times you may have meal prepped yourself. Why spend hours in the kitchen when there are affordable options crafted by experts in the field!
Before we dive into “how long can frozen raw dog food sit out?” it’s important to know our raw recipes are good in the freezer until the expiry date. Our products all come with a one-year expiry.